Dear visitors, customers and partners of Marstone-Simracing.
The year 2024 is coming to an end and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support and great cooperation we have received. It has been an exciting year full of challenges and successes and we are proud of what we have been able to achieve during this time.
Looking back to 2024
SIM-EDU throughout the canton of Bern : After the first trial course in March at BZ-EMME in Burgdorf, we were able to hold two further fully booked courses in October and December with automotive mechatronics trainees from across the canton.
Expansion to other cantons: We are pleased that the Technical Vocational School Zurich is following our approach and will be using one of our driving simulators in its Car Academy from 2025.
The Adaptable : As a distributor of TopSpeed Simulators, we are particularly proud of this revolutionary new model. It is the first driving simulator on the market that can be made wheelchair accessible without the need for tools.
Vehicle construction together with learners : In addition to our educational concept SIM-EDU, with our EDUCATIONAL TRACK BUILD we offer learners, schools and companies another opportunity to combine theory, practice and driving simulation.
Outlook for 2025
New partnerships and future development: We are grateful for the great partners who accompany us. Their support has been and continues to be crucial to our success. However, to take Marstone Simracing further forward, we need additional support. Investing in our company not only means innovative teaching methods, technologies and products, but also a promising and sustainable future in simracing and education. Together we can achieve great things.
Education and innovation: In 2025, our main focus will remain on promoting basic and further education as well as the innovative expansion of education in the automotive industry. We are convinced that our new approaches and technologies will make a significant contribution to the training of the next generation of automotive mechatronics engineers at home and abroad.
Expanding market presence: We have exciting plans for 2025 that will expand our reach and opportunities. Stay tuned for more news on this.
We wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May 2025 be a year full of health, happiness and success for all of you.
With Christmas greetings,
Marco Steiner